
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2021


  MINDMAP - SOCIAL SCIENCE In first grade we are going to see the landscapes. Their final proyect is to make a scale model of one type of landscape. In order to choose which one to do, we will see three different types: coastal landscape, mountain landscape and flat landscape.  To order the ideas, the students have to make a mindmap. In there, they will have to write the elements of each landscape so they can have a clear vision of the types of landscapes. There are different tools to make it but I have chosen Bubbl.us. On the one hand, I experienced that this app is very intuitive and the bubbles are very easy to make. We can select the size of them, the colours and join them with lines and arrows. Moreover, it is simple to add images and links.  On the other hand, I didn´t find useful the constant zooming of the app. It didn´t allow me to focus on the things I wanted and I wasted a lot of time setting the zoom to see what I needed. Also, It can not edit the images, so if you need to

Content curation

CONTENT CURATION What´s that? Today, we are going to learn how to organize, filter and save infomation or activities we can find interesting. This is called CONTENT CURATION, collecting resources, organise them and share them with others.  There are lots of websites that show a great amount of resources or activities we can do in the classrooms. I had a look at Symbaloo and list.ly but I found them not intuitive. Then, trying other websites, I endup in  Pinterest and I found it really useful.  In Pinteres, there are lots of ideas and it is quite simple to classify them according to l, as they call it, PINs. There are also boards in where we can "pin" those resources. You can create as many boards as you want and you can name it according to the Pin´s topic. I made my own board for the subject Arts. Here it is: 

The water in the landscape

Water in the landscape -CLIL Lesson- Year : 1st Subject: Social Science Content: River, lake and sea Objectives:   to distinguish between lakes, rivers and seas. We are going to do an activity to distinguish between these three contents. We will use Plickers, as 1st graders don´t have tablets or devices to do a Kahoot. Also, it´s going to be easier and fun for them playing with this app.  Author´s own In the game,  several photographs  will appear proyected on the whiteboard and students will have to turn their papers in the correct position to get the right answer. They will have three positions A , B and C . A will be for rivers, B for lakes and C for seas. As we are going to show others photographs, we will have to write whose is each photograph.  LAKE ´ S PHOTOS   ISOBA LAKE "Lago Isoba". Photograph by Luisangel . CC BY NC ND  GRINNELL LAKE "Grinnell lake". Photograph by Luca Cadez . CC BY NC ND  RIVER ´ S PHOTOS    RIVER IN SERRA DA BODOQUENA "Rio&qu

Creative Commons

  There are six types of licences. We can use these licences to share a work freely, but depending on the type of licence we will have some restrictions or others.  


  This year has been.... let´s see.. like this avatar: http://www.doppelme.com/ We have to wear... No more celebrations to come and most of us are like ... But STOP! No more crying!  Here we have some webs to do great avatars. Let´s see them! One possitive thing we have now is that we can go outside and take a walk and be with people ;) But yes... with distance http://www.peanutizeme.com/ Also, we had FREE concerts in Instagram https://avatarmaker.abi-station.com/ And if we talk about the quality of time we have, we can say that we have learnt lots of things  facebook avatar And there are even some avatars that can talk, for example in Voki.com or in Funkopop.com So do not hate this year,  There are great things to come!


I´m your teacher Clara and I´m going to share lots of tools and great digital resources in this blog.  Nowadays, teachers need to get adapted to these digital natives we have in our class. They are so 'screen demanding' that sometimes we can feel like... But DON¨T WORRY! Here is Miss Clara to show you lots of activities to do. So here we go! ENJOY and 


Tired?  SAY Here , there are some great apps we can use in our classroom ;) Menti.com  We´ve learnt about digital ways to do a great brainstorming by using menti.com . In this app students can write their ideas and watch them reflected on the proyector. If an idea is repeated, this idea will be shown bigger than the others. Its a great way to have a quick look to students minds.   Kahoot.com This app is a guarantee of exit. Students love it and they are motivated to play.  As a teacher, this app has feedback and you can see your student´s results and stadistics.  Plickers.com We know that little children find it difficult to manage with devices. Also, they usually don´t have devices in the classroom so they can not play kahoot. DON´T PANIC! we have this marvelous tool called Plickers in which they only need a piece of paper with a type of QR printed on it.